
2014年5月4日 星期日




Woody Daddy wants to build a Tang Dynasty wooden house which is a two floors building with tenons but steel and nail. He has already taken 10 years and 140 thousand dollars to make his dream come true. His family was emotionless and doubted Yang’s dream, but they understand and participate in his work now. Can Yang harness the ancient technique to fulfill his home? 


  Yang’s story is usual and unusual in Today’s Taiwan. Born after World War II, Yang is a typical Taiwanese man. He has not received a good education and worked hard to earn life for his family and contributed his part in Taiwan’s construction.

 However, he had a unique experience working in Saudi Arabia and lost his job while Taiwan’s major public constructions were done. Now, he could enjoy the retirement life, but is still working on an unprecedented ambition: building a woody house on his own.

  In Taiwan, such a building plan could only be appreciated while finished. Excluding his family, no one supports Yang, but he still sticks on his way.

Main Theme

  The mainstream of film will be Yang’s building procedure, from designing blueprint, selecting woods, and making parts, to assembling and finalizing the whole house, with emphasis on how he manage to read wooden architecture books in Japanese. Otherwise, we will describe his background, such as his isolated childhood, wandering teenage, and working years in Saudi Arabia, to contrast his current task.

Side Point

  Aside from Yang himself, we will also take care of his family, his neighbors, and evaluation from professional architects. His wife, though living a mouth-to-hand existence with him and has no idea about architecture, still give full support. Yang’s daughters consider of his ambition as a fantacy, but turn their attitude gradually. Because of their positive attitude, the crazy idea become a lovely comedy!